Solar Plexus Chakra: Is Your Confidence Driving or Stalling Your Business?

Solar Plexus Chakra: Is Your Confidence Driving or Stalling Your Business? Have you ever doubted your ability to lead or make decisions? The solar plexus chakra, located in the upper abdomen, governs personal power, confidence, and decision-making. It’s the energetic source of your entrepreneurial drive and leadership. When your solar plexus chakra is imbalanced, you […]

Is Your Sacral Chakra the Secret to Unlocking Your Business Creativity?

Have you ever felt stuck creatively or struggled to connect with your clients? The sacral chakra, located just below the navel, governs creativity, passion, emotions, and relationships. Its energy can either fuel your business growth or hold it back, depending on its balance. When your sacral chakra is out of alignment, it can create roadblocks […]

How Does Your Root Chakra Impact Your Business Success?

Have you ever wondered if your business struggles are rooted in something deeper—perhaps even energetic? The root chakra, located at the base of your spine, is your energetic foundation. It governs feelings of security, stability, and connection to the physical world, making it a vital influence on your entrepreneurial journey. When your root chakra is […]

Trust: The Key to Healthy Relationships and Mental Well-Being

Trust is a fundamental aspect of human interactions, influencing relationships, cooperation, and mental well-being. Let’s delve into its significance: Definition: Trust is the belief that someone or something can be relied on to do what they say they will. It serves as a cornerstone for social relationships, whether romantic, professional, or among friends. Trust involves assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of another person or group. Importance […]

Breaking the Chains: Overcoming Emotional Blockages and Finding Freedom

Emotionally, we often find ourselves held back by a web of unprocessed feelings, past traumas, and ingrained beliefs. Fear of vulnerability can lead us to suppress our emotions, creating blockages that stifle our growth and connection with others. This emotional baggage can manifest as anxiety, anger, or sadness, making it difficult to fully engage with […]

Embracing Inner Flow: Cultivating Self-Love and Emotional Freedom

As our system becomes more in balance then the body will allow all that hasn’t been processed to come up to flow out, emotions locked away cause blockages on so many levels of our system. Allowing it to flow, without interacting is the place you are aiming for, see it coming up and just leaving […]

Karmic Relationships and Money

Soul Contracts: Some relationships are karmic in nature. These connections often involve shared lessons, including those related to money. Pay attention to patterns in your financial interactions with specific people. Generosity and Giving: Balancing karmic debt involves acts of kindness. Notice how you give back, do you help others financially, give to charities, or do good deeds […]

Breaking Karmic Money Patterns

Self-Reflection: Reflect on your money beliefs and behaviours. Are there patterns you’ve noticed? Consider seeking professional guidance or exploring past-life regression to uncover karmic roots. Healing Practices: Engage in practices like meditation, energy healing, or forgiveness to release karmic ties. As we do these practices we allow ourselves space to breathe, create, and just be, therefore creating […]

Signs of Karmic Debt in Money Matters

Repetitive Financial Challenges: If you repeatedly face similar financial hurdles, consider whether there’s a deeper karmic pattern at play. It is possible that there may be specific lessons that need to be learned in your life around abundance, self-worth, happiness, responsibility, etc.  Unexplained Money Fears: Irrational fears around money—such as fear of losing it, fear of success, […]

Are you a pessimist?

Pessimism is a personality trait characterized by a more negative—or some might say, realistic—view of life. Here are some key points about pessimism: Definition: Pessimists tend to expect unfavourable outcomes and are often suspicious when things seem to be going well. It’s not a mental illness but rather a way of thinking. Signs of Pessimism: Feeling […]